It's been very hot here, and I find myself very busy with all of my projects, so I don't always make the time to go wandering. But when I do, I always have an eye out for the little details. Leaf veins, lichens, mosses, and creatures. On this particular day, the 23rd of June, I was on a mission to gander as many bugs as I could. Though a little burnt from the heat, I have no regrets. It was a very fruitful excursion. I aim to make more time to go on these shoots with my Nikon, as there is so much one notices when clad with camera.
Buff-tailed bumblebee
(Bombus terrestris)

European garden spider
(Araneus diadematus
ft clematis)

Rock dove
(Columba livia)

White water-lily
(Nymphaea alba)

Running crab spider
(Philodromus cespitum)

Large skipper butterfly
(Ochlodes sylvanus)

Meadow grasshopper nymph
(Pseudochorthippus parallelus)
Dock bug
(Coreus marginatus)

Seven-spot ladybug
(Coccinella septempunctata
ft rubus)

Spotted longhorn beetle
(Rutpela maculata)

Goldencup St. John's Wort
(Hypericum patulum)